Oktoberfest in Munich

Oktoberfest in Munich

It’s no surprise that the biggest celebration of Oktoberfest happens in Munich. After all, it is the place where the tradition was born, all the way back in 1810. How it started The first Oktoberfest opened with a big horse race. The occasion was the wedding of...
Becoming a parent in Germany – part 2

Becoming a parent in Germany – part 2

3A second part was needed. Becoming a parent in Germany (or anywhere really) is no easy business. With this guide, we aim to  bring together some of the information that we consider relevant for those of you who are planning on becoming parents in Germany.  During...
Becoming a parent in Germany – part 1

Becoming a parent in Germany – part 1

Becoming a parent is both incredibly exciting and a bit scary. Let us walk you through a few steps that you can take before and during your pregnancy if it happens to be in Germany.  Before pregnancy 1.Gynecologist Inform them that you intend to become a mother. Do an...
Parental leave in Germany

Parental leave in Germany

Germany is a big supporter of families! One can easily tell from all the policies the country has in place available for both parents, the great health system, the qualitative education system, and the tax system that is designed to better support families....
Germany immigration timeline

Germany immigration timeline

So you’re looking to immigrate to Germany.  What an absolutely exciting time that must be for you. And also a bit stressful, we get it. Luckily, we specialize in it. So here is a breakdown of the main 3 phases of your immigration process.  First things first. Let us...